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Financial Security
For your complete peace of mind, Green Jersey Cycling Tours Ltd are members of the Travel Trust Association. All monies paid to us are deposited in a Trust account which we cannot access until after your holiday. In addition, through our membership of the TTA, we issue a further financial insurance policy for each and every customer, a copy of which you will receive on booking. This means that you are 100% protected come what may. We therefore comply with, and indeed offer a greater level of protection than is required by, the Package Tour Regulations 1982.
The Travel Trust Association is a trade association of Travel Agents, Tour Operators and Travel Organisers, that operate trust accounts, in order to provide financial protection for the consumer. The TTA lays down strict guidelines on how customer funds may be handled and each member must adhere to these guidelines. Every TTA member puts customers' funds into a designated trust account, which is supervised by an independent trustee. The trustee is a Banker, Chartered or Certified Accountant, or Solicitor. Your funds are held in this account and may not be released unless you receive your holiday or your funds are released to another company that becomes responsible and provides financial protection. Further details are available from the TTA's website.